Cervical Interlaminar Epidural Injection: A Safe Technique

Cervical Interlaminar Epidural Injection


  • Viral Patel Department of Orthopaedics, Dr. MK Shah Medical College and Research Centre, Chandkheda, Ahmedabad, Gujarat.
  • Nilesh Charel Department of Orthopaedics, Dr. MK Shah Medical College and Research Centre, Chandkheda, Ahmedabad, Gujarat.
  • Vaibhav Patel Department of Orthopaedics, Dr. MK Shah Medical College and Research Centre, Chandkheda, Ahmedabad, Gujarat.
  • Ravi Patel Department of Orthopaedics, Dr. MK Shah Medical College and Research Centre, Chandkheda, Ahmedabad, Gujarat.
  • Manthan Mandalia Department of Orthopaedics, Dr. MK Shah Medical College and Research Centre, Chandkheda, Ahmedabad, Gujarat.
  • Prabhakar Mukund Department of Orthopaedics, Dr. MK Shah Medical College and Research Centre, Chandkheda, Ahmedabad, Gujarat.


Cervical radiculopathy, Cervical epidural, Interlaminar injection, Safe cervical injection


Background: Chronic neck pain and radiculopathies can cause profound disabilities in physical and psychological health. Numerous studies that link inflammation to the main cause of neural irritation and injury have supported the use of steroids in the epidural area for the treatment of radiculopathy. Routinely, cervical interlaminar epidural steroid injection is given in prone position. However, we experienced patients are not comfortable during the procedure. So, in our study, we conducted the procedure in lateral decubitus position under IITV guidance.

Methods: All the patients who came to OPD in department of Orthopedics were screened and patients having neck pain with or without radiculopathies were further investigated with MRI cervical spine with whole spine screening. From these patients, those having pathologies like degenerative disc disease, disc prolapse, facet arthritis were selected for study.

Results: In our study female preponderance is seen. Majority of patients were in middle age group. Around 18% of the patients had degenerative disc disease, 12% had facet arthritis, 42% had prolapse of intervertebral disc with right side radiculopathy and 28% had prolapse of intervertebral disc with left side radiculopathy.

Conclusion: Cervical interlaminar epidural injection in lateral position using fluoroscopy is a safe and effective method.




How to Cite

Patel, V., Charel, N., Patel, V., Patel, R., Mandalia, M., & Mukund, P. (2024). Cervical Interlaminar Epidural Injection: A Safe Technique: Cervical Interlaminar Epidural Injection. GAIMS Journal of Medical Sciences, 4(2 (Jul-Dec), 4–9. Retrieved from https://gjms.gaims.ac.in/index.php/gjms/article/view/159